How to be happy TODAY…
Hi Everyone,
So this morning I am sitting at my counter, eating eggs w/ veggies, drinking coffee, reading my emails and endless Ezines I subscribe to. I just keep wondering why I don’t have one myself. Why can’t I share all of the knowledge and passion I have for the things God has given me a desire and talent for? I realize I CAN! If I just DO the things I think about, I would be happy. I keep talking about all these things I want for my life, my family, myself, but ACTION is so much harder. Here is what I found has helped me attain certain goals I have for myself:
1. Realize that the goals I have “made” and “dreamed up” were DIRECTLY driven from God… not ME!!! Therefore, if He gives them to me, who am I to not act on it, work on it, and refuse such an amazing gift that He is obviously willing to bless me with?
2. Have a CLEAR VISION. Here is an example of one of my goals: I want to lose 5 lbs. Okay… great. That is a goal. But what does 5 lbs LOOK like? Is 5 lbs of fat or muscle or combo? What does it feel like to live in a body with 5 less pounds? Can I imagine the confident feeling and picture my strong healthy body, amazing thighs, abs, butt, etc. You get the picture. If you can SEE what you want, then your movitation is 20 times stronger and longer. Just remember: NO ONE has ever accomplished a goal without CLEAR VISION.
3. Here is a catch: Your achieved goal will MOST LIKELY be different than your vision. What? Yes. You NEED a vision to be able to make headway and start taking action. You have never ‘achieved’ this goal, so we don’t know realistically what this will feel and look like… but the key is to dream! The outcome is usually WAY better than your vision and dream, because it is REAL. The reality is that if things aren’t going the exact way of your vision, it’s okay. Keep moving forward, be prayerful about your journey, and rest in the peace and knowledge that you are doing something good, something different, and changing YOU into a better YOU!
4. Identify YOUR NEXT STEP. Start small. Baby steps. Go forward towards what you want. If you keep twirling ideas around in your head, you’re just twirling your confidence and dreams into a dizzy mess. Take a few minutes each day to peg a simple thing you can do TODAY to get closer to your goal.
5. DO FIRST THE THINGS YOU DON’T WANT TO. This one sucks, but it is SO important. Related or unrelated to your specific goal, getting things finished that sit in the back of your head and taunt you will cause you to feel accomplished, and less stressed. When you DON’T do them, you hesitate on doing anything at all. You will feel GUILTY for working on the things you want because you are avoiding the things you HAVE to do. Don’t live in guilt. GET OVER yourself and get it done. When that junk is done and out of the way you can start the truly creative process of fulfilling your dreams and feeling like a complete person!
6. Try try again. Reward Yourself for the Good Things! Taking a small step is GOOD. If it doesn’t work, or you mess up, try again!
“Life isn’t a destination, it is a journey”
So start your journey! Who cares what anyone else thinks or says, you are the only one that has to live in YOU.