Join us in our 21 Day ELIMINATION DIET! Some Coaching and Tips…
I have made the decision to totally GO FOR IT- 100% ,
not kinda-sort-of doing it, but REALLY following the “Elimination Diet”.
You can find the PDF by going to . Look on side under Services for “Free Elimination Diet Here”. *IF Link does not connect- just type in your browser (or copy and paste).
I realize we are all addicts. Not voluntarily, but through chemicals and sly marketing; our bodies have become addicted to caffeine, sugar, processed grains, processed foods, THOUSANDS of chemicals, toxins, I could go on and on.
I’m choosing to be FREE from these addictions- some I don’t think I even realize I have yet… (yikes!), and I am healing my body, my mind, and renewing my spirit for the sake of honoring my body- my Temple.
WHAT THIS DIET IS NOT: NOT a crazy low carb, World Athlete Ab sharpening kind of diet. There are obviously some banned foods- yes in the grains area (Wheat and Gluten), but read the the whole document- This will not be so hard! 🙂 THIS IS NOT a get skinny fast diet, or a super EASY diet, but there is a quote I found today: “SACRIFICE IS GIVING UP SOMETHING GOOD FOR SOMETHING BETTER”. I know this will be better and make me better in every way!
The basics of this Detox/Diet:Eliminating common allergens, and repairing your GI Tract.
Benefits?: SO MANY!
1. Everyone love the WEIGHT LOSS part. You WILL lose a rather large amount of ‘stubborn fat’ in a relatively short period of time. Downside: Since Toxins store in your fat cells- as you lose the fat- the toxins flowing out of you may cause temporary headache, grumpiness, bloating, tired, but subside with in the first few days.
2. Your food cravings (non-physiological a.k.a. emotional) hunger will reduce or go away ENTIRELY.Whoa. For me that is a big one to be honest. I fight wanting crap all the time! I CHOSE not to have crap all the time, but it doesn’t mean it GOES AWAY! Looking forward to this for sure
3. Your health and general vitality will improve. After Toxins leave, and you stop adding more, many aches, pains, digestive issues (gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, full heavy stomach feeling, etc).
Another benny: You can EAT MORE that you were and still lose weight. By golly this thing is calling my name. So who’s with me?!
If you decide to join us on this 21-30 day Commitment- Subscribe to my blog and I promise to give you the following from my blog updates:
Tomorrow: Tips and tricks to make this diet successful- including shopping lists, meal planning etc.
I will post recipes- (hopefully with pictures too!)
Bi-weekly updates on our results: highs, lows, problems, and just an honest journal of how I’m doing. If I cheat- I will tell you. I’m not here to say that I am really good at discipline- I just want to share and encourage others to take the NEXT STEP- that REALLY IMPORTANT STEP to push you past your hump, so you are feeling accomplished, successful, and you can finally learn to re-trust yourself.
How many times have you said “I won’t do this”, “I won’t eat that for this week” “I’ll do this 3 times a week, and stop eating this for…” And how many times did you break your promise? Your subconscious has learned that you CAN NOT be trusted. You HAVE to retrain your confidence, and your subconscious to learn how to TRUST YOUR WORD to be successful in this.
Start with small to do items- write them down, cross them off. Silly, small, big whatever. This will be VERY effective in telling your subconscious that you ARE trustworthy, and that you CAN do things you say.
Comment or email me and let me know you are ON BOARD!
If you are ready to change your life in all areas- NOT just your body, but your mind, life, relationships, even your financial situation- this IS the place to start. Building your confidence in yourself is the ultimate necessity to finding real joy in life, and success! Success starts in the mind, the body will follow, and your life will attract and reflect what you think and how you feel: So be healthy , feel successful, make your gratitude list daily, keep God in the center and you will be unstoppable.